Gaining access to critical information in the first hours of criminal investigations can dramatically reduce time to evidence. At present, frontline officers need to send the material to the tech lab and wait till they have processed it.
To help tech labs focus on higher priority crimes and eliminate processing backlogs and delays, law enforcement agencies need to empower frontline officers to conduct their own extractions and speed up investigations. If frontline officers were empowered to, and trained for, assessing risk, they would only need to call in forensic analysts in high-risk situations.
Frontline forensics is a term often used for the decentralization of mobile forensics outside digital forensic laboratories. Since 2014 we at MSAB have understood the need to empower frontline responders and have, together with our customers, implemented solutions for frontline forensics from small stand-alone implementations to nationwide, centrally managed, mobile forensic networks. No other company in the industry has such long and in-depth experience of organization-wide implementations.
One of the things we have learned is that there is no “one size fits all” solution. The organizational and technical premises differ considerably from one organization to another, and the legal framework can vary from country to country or even between authorities in a single country.
As mobile manufacturers are building more robust security features into their devices, criminals are taking advantage of new ways to hide their communications. From drug and human trafficking to homicides, terrorist threats, and border security, criminals have been quick to adopt digital technology for illicit purposes and the mountains of data being generated are shocking.
Immediate extractions for frontline practitioners: increase likelihood of success and decrease pressure on labs.
Digital intelligence solutions are an increasingly effective way to protect communities from predatory criminal activities. Digital evidence captured at the scene of a crime from witnesses and victims with consent-based authorization consistently contain critical insights. But most victims and witnesses don’t want to surrender their mobile phones and have to be without them till labs extract the evidence.
To combat this, frontline offices need to be equipped with solutions in the field to extract consent-based digital evidence quickly and easily.
Raven is the new, innovative, highly portable mobile device exploitation toolset. It is specifically designed for operators in the field who need lightweight solutions to quickly extract data and turn it into actionable intelligence.
Putting such a tool into the hands of frontline officers will allow them to both speedily examine the digital evidence, which in turn will lead to faster apprehensions, whilst also enabling them to engage with the public in a meaningful and respectful way. This also gives the community and its citizens agency and helps build public trust.
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