Goodbye XACT, hello XAMN Elements: How to export binary data

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive on the MSAB Support Team is: “Now that XACT is no longer included with an XRY Physical license, how can you export the binary file from a physical extraction?”

XAMN Elements replaced XACT as the best tool to help you dig deeply into undecoded or fragmented data in order to bookmark, reconstruct and validate crucial pieces of information that would otherwise be unavailable. This allows you to carve out and make sense of undecoded binary information. Additionally, it allows you to verify artifacts that XRY has automatically decoded. Now, XAMN Elements is included as part of every XRY Physical license, just like XACT was in the past.

So, back to the question: In order to export the raw data from an XRY Physical extraction, you open the .xry file in XAMN Elements. To do so, open the file in question in XAMN and select ‘Examine in hex’ at the bottom of the ‘Quick Views’ pane to open an XAMN Elements tab.  You now have the data tree at the top of the window, instead of to the left as it was in XACT, but the process is the same.  Right click the data node and select ‘Export data…’ to get the binary exported.

That’s it.  And if you need additional assistance, the Support Team is always ready to help.