Unique exploits and decoding: A closer look at XRY’s unmatched capability to get into MediaTek devices
The cat-and-mouse game is always on. MSAB’s development team never rests in its search for new exploits that can help forensic investigators with mobile extraction. But at the same time, the landscape they are navigating keeps changing: operating systems get updated, software gets patched, and from one day to another an efficient exploit could be rendered obsolete.
It is in this ever-dynamic landscape that digital investigations must succeed. And it’s not always easy. Mobile extractions are becoming increasingly challenging, and the need for exploits to keep up is felt more pressingly by investigators everywhere.
Access to the right tools can make all the difference. Digital forensics experts need state of the art exploits to complement their investigations. And XRY delivers.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the characteristics that make XRY a powerhouse of digital forensics.
Unique Exploits with XRY: MediaTek Devices
The efficiency of XRY with MediaTek chipsets is one of a myriad potential examples of hard developer work leading to impressive results.
MediaTek (MTK) has in recent years overtaken the competition to become the world’s biggest smartphone chipset maker. The Taiwanese semiconductor company’s rise to the top of the market has been described as “massive success hiding in plain sight”. Other manufacturers may get more buzz, but MTK chipsets have a huge share especially in mid- and lower tier handsets through an attractive price/performance ratio.
Why Are Exploits for MTK Devices So Important for Investigators?
Cellphones sporting good-enough performance and an attractive price tag tend to attract criminals, who often need to change their phones frequently.
A competent extraction tool for MTK-based devices is therefore an absolute necessity for law enforcement agencies, and XRY is a world-class tool in this area. As Martin Westman, Exploit Research Manager at MSAB, mentions:
“We have been working on MediaTek devices for a dozen years and more, and we have unique sets of skills in our team that can help us get results very quickly.”
How to use XRY exploits to unlock MTK Devices?
XRY makes extracting data from MediaTek-based Android devices incredibly easy. With a simple plug-and-play process, both law enforcement officers with limited experience and more specialized forensic examiners working in digital forensic units can successfully complete extractions.
Discover more ways to increase the interoperability between lab and frontline officers and ensure the best results in your digital forensic investigations.
Step 1: Extraction of MediaTek Devices with XRY
XRY and XRY Pro users are in good hands when they need to work with an MTK phone. A unique exploit is available to gain access to locked MTK-based devices. Unofficially, our team and even some users occasionally refer to it as “Grandma’s Cottage” as an out-of-the-box way to convey how simple it is to perform such crucial tasks as extracting information for the ubiquitous MTK devices.
“Our developers get to name the exploits themselves, and sometimes the names show in the end product. Grandma’s Cottage is just a random name though, no real meaning to it”, says Martin Westman.
Even if the name is random, the exploit makes the process for end users so simple that anybody and their grandmother could do it.
Step 2: Decryption and Decoding of Data from MTK Phones Using XRY
The extraction is just the beginning. Another essential task that XRY performs with ease is the decryption of data.
“This area is one of our very specialties”, Martin Westman says. “Getting the dump is just half of the work, and at MSAB we truly excel at decryption and brute forcing PINs and passwords.”
The number of man-hours spent on keeping XRY ahead of the competition is staggering, but for the end user the important part is that the software can get the work done with unprecedented speed. Encrypted data is chaotic and seemingly useless, but XRY can remove the secrecy.
Then it’s time for decryption’s cousin: decoding. Without proper decoding, the data could be likened to a pile of Lego bricks on the floor: the potential is there, but without guidance it will take ages to turn it back into the model it used to be. XRY’s data decoding capabilities will swiftly make sense of huge amounts of extracted raw data from a device, sorting it, analyzing it, and presenting it.
Dive deeper into the step-by-step process for extracting and decoding using XRY from devices featuring the MTK chipset.
XRY: The Result of Constant Refinement
XRY is a mighty tool. It has a multitude of unique exploits that can tip the scales and turn an unsuccessful investigation into a solid court case. XRY currently supports well over 43 000 devices, and developers keep expanding its capabilities. So, the constant hunt for exploits, the never-ending need to hit moving targets, requires a special kind of team. Martin Westman describes the teams working on all MSAB products as both skilled and passionate about their work.
“We often get that comment, that we are such a dedicated team. This is not just a job that you go to like any other. You stay until the work is done. And you always have to be aware of the fact that the project you’ve spent six months working on may turn out to be a dead end.”
But a dead end doesn’t have to mean the end of the journey. Sometimes, you just have to forge another path – and MSAB teams do just that. We consistently and unwaveringly keep on improving and coming up with solutions until our customers are paired with the best tools on the market. XRY is proof of that.
Take Your Skills to the Next Level with XRY Training
XRY is a heavyweight in MSAB’s lineup of solutions, and with the latest update it is more powerful than ever. To take advantage of its full power, training is paramount.
Don’t let the challenges of collecting digital evidence hold you back. Enroll in MSAB’s training courses and take your extraction skills to the next level by learning how to take full advantage of our XRY products.
Our XRY Certification course is the perfect opportunity to gain industry-standard knowledge and best practices for effective data extraction from various mobile devices, including MediaTek based phones. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, this three-day course will provide you with the confidence and expertise you need to become an MSAB Certified Forensic Professional. If you want to keep your skills up to date – and you should, especially in this fast-moving industry – take advantage of the Recertification and Refresher Course options from MSAB. Don’t miss this chance to improve your professional credentials and learn how to efficiently identify, collect, and preserve digital data. It can make all the difference.
Additionally, to ensure the success of your investigations, you need to cultivate an efficient working relationship between frontline personnel and experts in digital forensic labs. That relationship is based on law enforcement officers being able to carry out on-site mobile extractions, thus freeing up time for DFU examiners to focus on the complex task. Here’s where XRY Express Physical and XRY Express Logical on-demand courses come into play.
Discover more ways to free up time for DFUs and accelerate your forensic investigations.
Are You Ready to Up Your Extraction Capabilities with MSAB’s Unique Exploits?
If you’re looking to enhance your digital forensics capabilities and stay ahead of the game, MSAB XRY, with its unique exploits and impressive decoding capabilities, helps you achieve just that. With its cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interface, you can extract and analyze data from MediaTek devices faster and more efficiently than ever before.
To upgrade your extraction capabilities and experience the power of MSAB’s unique exploits, get in touch with our Sales team today.
The cat-and-mouse game will continue, but this round definitely goes to the cat.