#MSABWomen: Working Together for a Safer Tomorrow  

Meet some of the exceptional women of MSAB—brilliant, driven, and downright awesome at what they do. They help us stay at the forefront of innovation. Their efforts help create a safer world. 

Coming from diverse teams within our organization, each brings a unique perspective, experience, and energy to the table. What unites them is their passion, dedication to driving innovation, and their tireless pursuit of a better future. 

Prepare to be inspired – we certainly are, and we’re sure you will be too. 

Sara Elframawy  

Seven years ago, Sara took a bold leap and moved to Sweden. “It was a big step, but I’m proud of how far I’ve come. I started in Sweden 7 years ago. I didn’t know any word in Swedish. Now I’m fluent. I had a bachelor’s degree in accounting but always wanted something more stimulating and challenging.”  

So, she started online programming courses and the more she learned, the more interested she got. Fast forward to Sara’s pursuing a degree in software testing. Soon after, while googling to learn more about digital forensics for fun (as one does!) she learned about MSAB. The rest is history. 

Maria Spångberg 

Maria Spångberg has been with MSAB for over 14 years. After studies in Computer Science and Marketing, for a big part of her career she worked with Information and Cyber Security for companies such as Ericsson, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Pointsec & Checkpoint.  

I joined MSAB as Regional Manager for Asia Pacific working with sales and channel management. I had been working  in Singapore covering Asia prior to moving back home to Sweden and when being approached about this role at MSAB it offered the best of two worlds – I would still get to work with the APAC region which is like a second home to me and also help make society safer by assisting law enforcement etc. in their important mission. 

Jacquelyn Fooks 

Jacquelyn became part of the team back in 2009, marking an incredible 15 years with us at MSAB. “Most of my career has been with MSAB. Before joining, I hadn’t found a career that interested me. When I started, we had just opened the doors in the US, and I can admit I didn’t really know what this job was going to be about. But I found the technology intriguing and have been excited about learning as much as I can. 

Learn she did. And it’s been an incredible journey for both her and us ever since.  

Lina Karlsson

Lina Karlsson, our senior Tech Writer, has always been passionate about the area where computers meet humans. “Starting from my time in university, I wanted to do something that would allow me to intersect more of my passions, so I studied Cognitive Science. That allowed me to blend computer science, psychology, but also linguistics, design, and some kind of physiology. 

Later down the line, at MSAB, this multifaceted approach to technology enables Lina to be a bridge between the complex features of our products and our end users.  

Marine Rousseau 

Originally from France, Marine came to Sweden seven years ago, looking for new challenges and opportunities. Almost two years ago, her path led her to MSAB. “Now, I’m in charge of customer service for the French and African markets. I have several years of customer service behind me, both for e-commerce and in retail, but this industry came with its own learning curve. It’s been an exciting ride though—so much to absorb, so much to learn. And the work we do here is so niche and so important, it’s a great motivator.” 


Marie, our very own “curious multitasker” has tried a lot of different things careerwise until landing in technical support, a couple of years back. Our Support team at MSAB is beyond fantastic with Maria right there in the thick of the action. An outdoor life, good books, friends and family are what it takes to balance out the job. A pretty good mix.  

On their roles at MSAB and their favorite things about it 

All these amazing #MSABwomen come from very different professional backgrounds. Discover what fuels their passion and makes them excel at their jobs.  

Maria Spångberg:

“I’m the Head of Professional Services, leading a global team of Professional Services and Field Services Engineers. We provide a range of consultancy services to ensure the successful implementation and use of MSAB products.” 

This role speaks to Maria’s aspiration to find a place where the dynamic worlds of tech and business meet. Which is likely what makes her so great at it. “My interest has always been in the intersection between technology and business. I love the fact that it’s a fast-paced industry filled with ambitious individuals.” 

Sara Elframawy:

I’m a tester in the Research Team. Ultimately, my role is related to ensuring our product works seamlessly, and our users don’t stumble into any big problems. I have so many favorite parts about the work that I do. The work itself is interesting. My colleagues are awesome. And I have such an amazing opportunity to learn – like I wouldn’t have anywhere else. And the noble purpose of the job itself – that’s one of the best selling points for me. I’m actually contributing to society with something meaningful – it makes a world of difference to me.” 

Jacquelyn Fooks:

“My role has changed many times in the close to 15 years I have been here. Since 2011, I have been working with the US Federal Government and US Department of Defense as Customer Success agent and a Project Manager. In the last four years I have been focusing on US DOD and moved into sales in the beginning of this year.”   

Lina Karlsson:

I’m a Senior Technical Writer, and this role is such a great fit. Through everything I do, whether it’s documenting new features, writing release notes, managing translations or running some internal projects, I work towards making our products easier to use and understand. We explain complex features in an easy to digest way. That’s very helpful for our customers.”  

A great part of it is how tailor-made this role seems for her. “Clearly, I like technology and computer science. I also very much enjoy the psychology behind it all and the process of trying to understand how the user thinks and how I can make things easier for them. Plus, I’ve always liked writing and the linguistic side. And I love the opportunity of combining them all under one role.” 

Marine Rousseau:

“Within MSAB I do my best to ensure that our clients get maximum value from our products and services. Compared to many of my colleagues, I may not have a law enforcement background, but one thing I have in common with them is the desire to help. It’s a great satisfaction to get up in the morning and know that what I’m doing, even if it’s just a drop in the ocean, can contribute to justice.” 

On the achievements they are most proud of

From overcoming personal challenges to reaching significant professional milestones, every woman in our team has had moments that have shaped their journey. We asked them to share the achievements that fill them with pride and inspire those around them. 

Maria Spångberg: 

“Some of the things would be: Getting a CISSP certification in my early years working within the security field. Taking a career break for further studies in the US. Living in Singapore for a few years setting up the Asian operations for a previous company I worked for. The real highlight for me though is my team, they are an incredible bunch of people. Their passion, problem solving skills, customer centric approach make a real difference on a daily basis. We help giving victims of crime a voice, and that is something I’m incredibly proud of!” 

Sara Elframawy: 

“I am proud of my dedication to personal and professional growth. Always picking up new skills, never being too afraid to get out of my comfort zone. This curiosity has given me a solid grasp of the projects I’m working on. It helps me dig deep into testing and share some real insights. And being part of making our products top-notch is something that makes me proud.” 

Jacquelyn Fooks:  

“I have always worked closely with my customers and have been extremely proud to help them.  Over the years I have earned their trust and respect, which led to a major project that I have been leading for the past 2 years.”     

What advice would you give to young women aspiring to work in a similar role? 

For young professionals looking to carve their own path, the road ahead can seem daunting. Drawing from their own experiences and lessons they’ve learned along the way, these are the invaluable insights and advice that our awesome women of MSAB wanted to share.  

Maria Spångberg: 

First of all, get an education in a field that genuinely excites you. When you are passionate about what you do, work transforms into something enjoyable. Strive to continuously learn new things and ensure that you are an important asset to your existing company but also to remain attractive to other companies. You need to be your own advocate for growth and progress and be candid with what you want. Another piece of advice is to find a good mentor – I used to have a former CEO of Ericsson in Asia as a mentor which was a great support and inspiration. 

Sara Elframawy: 

Prove your capabilities through your work and let your achievements speak for themselves. Remember that growth comes with challenges, and everyone experiences moments of uncertainty. Believe in your abilities, and don’t let self-doubt hold you back. 

Jacquelyn Fooks: 

Don’t be afraid, be confident in your abilities, and show the world how smart you are.

Lina Karlsson: 

You don’t need to have a plan. You don’t need to know everything from the get-go. When I was younger, I thought I had to know a lot of stuff before even getting started. But you learn as you go. What’s important is to go for what seems interesting and fun to you. If you’re truly captivated by something, you’ll find the drive and the energy to dive into it and put in the necessary work to succeed. 

Marine Rousseau:

Find a path that makes you feel like you’re making a difference. At MSAB, I get the greatest satisfaction from knowing that through what I’m doing, even if it’s just a drop in the ocean, I can contribute to justice. 


Don’t stress, no need to impress or be perfect. Value the learnings and enjoy the ride, be kind to people and to yourself. Go find that spot in life where you can express your personality and talents via your work if you want a happy, sustainable career. 

As we come to the end of our journey through the stories and insights of these six #MASBWomen, one thing becomes abundantly clear: they are not just shaping the future of MSAB, but also paving the way for many others to thrive in their chosen professions. We’re inspired by their stories and contributions and beyond lucky to have them on our team! 

Cheers to the #MASBWomen and the bright future they are helping to create.