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Hier finden Sie Neuigkeiten, Geschichten aus der realen Welt, Inspiration und Anleitungen zum erfolgreichen Einsatz mobiler Forensik.
MSAB XAMN Pro – Discover evidence: Conversations and Images
Uncover evidence in pictures and messages easily Any investigator trying to locate…
Recognizing the Importance of Mental Health in Law Enforcement
So often, discussions around mental health in law enforcement are surrounded by…
MSAB XAMN Pro – Discover Evidence: Time, Place and Persons
Not everyone who commits a crime plans it carefully. Suspects in most…
Hidden gems in Apple iOS digital forensics
Apple iOS devices contain large amounts of artifacts, from both apps and…
A gift from Apple a day puts deleted data in play
A small gift from Apple sees an Apple Backup yield more fruit…
#MSABWomen: Working Together for a Safer Tomorrow
Meet some of the exceptional women of MSAB—brilliant, driven, and downright awesome…
Inspiring Change: Women at the Forefront of Innovation
Visionary thinkers. Groundbreaking scientists. Daring innovators. Our history is filled with remarkable…
A Year in Review: A Closer Look at the Top Updates to Our Product Range in 2023
2023 has been a year of innovation, growth, and an unwavering commitment…
#DevelopersofMSAB – Gustav Björk
If I was doing something which I did not see as challenging…
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