CASE STUDY: UK Law Enforcement Agency
How a UK law enforcement agency solved more crimes faster with less investment.
The need for cost effectiveness, speed, efficiency, consistent processes, data quality and forensic integrity are challenges faced by all law enforcement agencies regardless of their specific missions or locations.
We will examine how this agency was able to reduce their case backlog by decentralizing their mobile forensic operations and bypass digital forensic laboratories – using the MSAB Frontline Solutions – giving increased efficiency and improved performance. We will also shed light on how they networked their tools to enable centralized storage and seamless transfer of data between users and sites to maximize the bottom line.
In this case study we talk to a former leader in a UK Law Enforcement Agency who faced a number of these difficulties during his service. He talks about the MSAB Ecosystem as a new approach to mobile forensics. An approach which helped him and his team save £80K over three years and achieve the goal of getting a system that was both cheaper and more efficient while at the same time allowing officers to solve more crimes faster.
Read more about our phone forensic software for Law Enforcement
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